Saturday 8 February 2014

backpost: from paris to Germany

Many of you from ottawa may remember Lutz; he was studying at st paul unibersity as an xchange student 4 years ago. I visited Lutz in Germany- my old friend in his motherland. My first stop was in Gottingen- the city where Lutz goes to universty. We went to to a pub my first night there, which reminded me of the pub from the movie "inglorious bastards" because it was in a cellar all made of stone, lighted by vandles. It was super cool; thankful, no one was killed in this cellar- like in the movie. The next day, Lut's parents came to get u,s, and we drove to Babaria- which seems like the quebec of germamy; everthing jas to ne a little different there. We went to a super cool town which was complete, surrounded by the old city wall. And the town inside has been preserved like from a fairytale. I forgot the name, of course. Then we arrived at our destination: fazendas da esperanca. It is a farm for recovering drug addicts. The idea started in brazil. The head of this house is fr. Christian- lutz's godfather. I had a really great stay with this bunch. I really like the ideal and the feel of this place. The chaps pray, work, eat and live together. They run a cafe on sundays with absolutely delicious and beautiful cakes. Perhapa one day, this project will have to get started in canada- in the eparchy of edmonton- inch Allah. From there, we went to two klosterbrauerei- which are monastic breweries!! Becausei am on pilgrimage, i considered it absolutely essential to visit these spiritual places. Haha. By the way one of the churches of these klosterbrauerei was the weirdest ive ever seen. They had full skeletons behind glass- standing up, dressed like pirates. And the pulpit was the front of a ship, no less. Irsee. By the way, the best ive had,, by Ar, without question waa at the second of these monaateries. From there, we went to the 2 castles by auatria made by the crazy king- where walt disney got the idea for his apparently. Then, to munich. I saw the 1st german u-boat. Super creepy to ne on the other side looking at that. We were hosted by one of lutz's friends: Malte. He showed ua the city, food, and more beer. Beautidul. It was quite amazing to be in all of these buildings- especially chueches, then learning and seeing pictures of them being almost completely destroyed in the war. From munich, i took the 24 hour bus ride to lviv. Now we are all caught up! A huge thanks to Lutz and his parents for being such awesome hosts in Germany!!

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